Series: Genesis
Series Details
December 3, 2023 - April 28, 2024
The first book of the Bible is set over 4000 years ago! It's not very relatable for the modern Christian... or is it? Why did God give us such an ancient book and what can we get out of it today? In this series, we're learning about all the first things that happened in this world and how they still affect us.
Messages: 9

Messages in Genesis
April 28, 2024
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Topic: covenant, Lord's Supper, New Covenant
We read about covenants in Scripture all the time! But what exactly are covenants, anyway? Let’s look at the first covenant together.
April 28, 2024
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
After cursing fallen humanity with the Flood, God chooses to bless humanity. How do these blessings continue today? How are we blessed?
March 17, 2024
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Topic: difficulty, patience
The Flood was horribly traumatic, but eventually Noah and his family made it through. Can we overcome difficult times like they did?
March 17, 2024
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Topic: eschatology, judgment, punishment
In judgment, the world of Noah faced complete destruction. What does the Flood teach us about the final Day of Judgment?
February 18, 2024
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Topic: attitude, life, temptation
Noah’s life was so different from the rest of the corrupt world that God spared him from its destruction. But how did Noah do it?
February 18, 2024
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Satan was able to corrupt the entire world of Noah’s day. How did he do that—and how can we stop him from corrupting us too?
January 14, 2024
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Topic: mercy, Repentance
What can we learn about God’s mercy in the story of Cain and Abel? Come learn about the purpose of God’s mercy and what it requires of us!
December 10, 2023
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Topic: Death
We each have a unique chance at life—a chance to make the most of what we’ve been given. What will you do with that opportunity?
December 3, 2023
Series: Genesis
Speaker: Andrew Patterson
Topic: Sin
We know sin displeases God, and we ought to avoid it because of the consequences, but what makes sin so bad? In fact, what even is sin?